27 result(s) found. Showing page 1 of 2.
1 2 All Items per page:Summary: This document presents some of the key highlights of the Outcome Harvesting analysis undertaken during the implementation period of the ‘Shared Resources, Joint S...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 01/07/2021
Summary: This learning paper highlights how elements of outcome mapping were used by Save the Children Sweden in a project (2018-2020) that supports adolescents, affected by the...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 02/06/2021
Summary: This publication describes the results of a collaborative action learning trajectory (2014-2016) in which 8 Flemish municipalities together with their partners from the...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 14/12/2018
Summary: Although emancipatory action research has been practised for decades and continues to evolve, the method can benefit from the support of fresh approaches. Outcome mappi...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 19/01/2018
Summary: This case study seeks to share the experiences and lessons learned of the French NGO 'Frères des Hommes' in their experimentation with outcome mapping as actor-...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 15/11/2017
Summary: The imGoats project (‘small ruminant value chains to increase income and food security in India and Mozambique’) was designed to increase incomes and food s...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 25/02/2015
Summary: Case study uses outcome harvesting to capture knowledge from a Public Sector Reform Program led by the government in Sierra Leone. The project includes leadership and g...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 17/07/2014
Summary: The project team identified outcomes to learn from the initiative using a customized outcome harvesting tool.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 01/07/2014
Summary: This document gathers the experiences of the Women and Violence Programme in Colombia in exploring innovative M&E systems based on qualitative methodologies such as...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 07/08/2013
Summary: Natalie Moxham gives a personal ac-count of facilitating a set of workshops with twelve NGOs working on sustainable forest management in Papua New Guinea. Combining tec...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 31/07/2013
Summary: The Belgian NGO VECO has been applying OM for planning, monitoring and learning across its regional programmes since 2008. This paper, based on a presentation of the ca...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 01/05/2013
Summary: A short case study presenting a ‘Work in Progress’ using Outcome Mapping and the Logframe in governance and accountability programming in Tanzania. This cas...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 22/11/2012
Summary: The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is faced with two major challenges in their monitoring and evaluation: Firstly they have to deal wit...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 09/10/2012
Summary: In early 2000, a Regional Development Bank developed an internal organizational practice of structures, systems and processes. The proposed change process gained suppor...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 21/06/2012
Summary: This report presents lessons learned about developing and using indicators and data collection tools to measure the impact of interventions designed to reduce both pove...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 12/12/2011
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 08/08/2011
Summary: Un estudio comparativo en 2010 de cinco redes latinoamericanas apoyadas por el Open Society Institute. Abarca los principales desafíos y dilemas que enfrentan re...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 12/04/2011
Summary: Cuarto estudios de caso de América Latina, relfexionando sobre el uso de mapeo de alcances y los cambios provocados en las organizaciones en el transcurso de la ...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 27/11/2009
Summary: Versión borrador de 4 estudios de caso utilizando Mapeo de Alcances en Latinoamérica (sin anexos). La versión en portugués es la últi...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 26/11/2009
Summary: A study of how the SAHA programme Madagascar applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the Case Study: St2eep project in Zimbabwe applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the VECO programme in Indonesia applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the Eastern Indonesian Information Exchange has applied Outcome Mapping.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the Ceja Andina project in Ecuador applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya has applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009