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9 result(s) found.

Creating the (organisational) conditions for an OM-based M&E and learning practice 1106
Steff Deprez

Summary: The paper presents a possible approach for programmes to analyse and plan for the necessary organisational conditions to implement an OM-based M&E and learning prac...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 26/08/2009

Piloting Outcome Mapping with Youth in Malawi 820
Phoebe Farag Mikhail, Aissata Ndiaye, Jessica Greenhalf

Summary: Plan UK used Outcome Mapping in Malawi as a method to engage youth in the design of the monitoring and evaluation of their governance programme. The process was useful ...

Type: Workshop Reports

Shared: 26/08/2009

How to Guide for using Outcome Mapping with Youth - Plan International 1582
Phoebe Farag Mikhail, Aissata Ndiaye, Jess Greenhalf, Maria Cavatore

Summary: A brief description of how Plan UK used elements of Outcome Mapping for our governance M&E framework and a how to guide for engaging youth in the M&E of our gov...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 26/08/2009

Outcome Mapping in child rights based programming 1992
Manuel I. Madamba

Summary: Presentation shows how outcome mapping is applied in child right-based programming. This is a sharing of the actual experience of Plan Philippines in country strategic ...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 25/08/2009

Template: Case study 742
Simon Hearn

Summary: This template is to be used for OM Resources Competition entries.

Type: Templates

Shared: 26/06/2009

Template: Presentation 635
Simon Hearn

Summary: This template is to be used for OM Resources Competition entries.

Type: Templates

Shared: 26/06/2009

Template: Article, paper, guideline document, manual 752

Summary: This template is to be used for OM Resources Competition entries.

Type: Templates

Shared: 26/06/2009

Template: Workshop report 647
Simon Hearn

Summary: This template is to be used for OM Resources Competition entries.

Type: Templates

Shared: 26/06/2009

Template: OM Process documentation 931
Simon Hearn

Summary: This template is to be used for OM Resources Competition entries.

Type: Templates

Shared: 26/06/2009

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