While playing the role of M&E Advisor at CARE Canada, I also make myself available for a select number of consultancies during each year, including trainings, facilitating the development of monitoring and evaluation systems, and evaluations. I have over 15 years of field experience in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. I have a BA in Comparative Development Studies from Trent University (Peterborough, Canada) and a Master’s degree in Community-Based Natural Resource Management from the Catholic University of Ecuador.
Since 2003 I have been delivering OM trainings, facilitating teams to apply OM to their projects and programs, designing monitoring tools and evaluation processes using OM and writing and presenting on OM in various international fora. In particular I have spent the last 10 years using OM to complement RBM and Logic Model for monitoring processes. I have worked with a wide range of actors to use OM, from Google.org to the World Bank Institute, to many international non-governmental organizations and research institutes.
I started exploring OM in 2003. Without any formal training, I was self-taught mainly through "learning-by-doing" by applying OM to a community-based natural resource management project in northern Ecuador. Since then, my interest has grown in how to adapt and grow the original OM manual so that the approach is even more useful and practical for monitoring (\'evaluation infused monitoring).
I\'m interested in further developing training materials for OM, improving the monitoring and evaluation tools, and identifying and using complementary methodologies.
Facilitation, project management, designing reflective, learning-oriented monitoring systems, designing qualitative monitoring tools.