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75 result(s) found. Showing page 1 of 3.

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A Guide to Participatory Outcome-Focused Monitoring with Most Significant Change, Outcome Harvesting, and Outcome Mapping 🔗
Richard Smith

Summary: The guidance distills insights and examples drawn from my practice, the wider literature and the team's experience gained during two pilot qualitative monitoring activi...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 08/03/2024

Outcome Harvesting Steps and Principles - 2019 363
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Slides from the American Evaluation Association conference in 2018 - Summary of the Outcome Harvesting Steps and Principles.

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 20/01/2019

Learning & Trust by Terry Smutylo 🔗
Terry Smutylo

Summary: The world premier of Terry Smutylo's second blues masterpiece, taking a look at the political world of development monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Filmed at th...

Type: Songs

Shared: 07/08/2018

Discussion Summary: What “Ingredients” help OM to change practice? 264
Mariam Smith

Summary: The central question of the discussion can be summarised as "What ingredients help Outcome Mapping (OM) to change practice?" (in the big yellow circle in the diagram be...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 05/04/2018

Using web analytics tools to evaluate the diffusion of Outcome Mapping 165
Matthew Walton

Summary: As the Internet continues to become a part of everyday life for many people around the world, we are increasingly leaving traces of our behaviours online. When aggregat...

Type: Research Reports

Shared: 26/10/2017

Discussion Summary: Monetising Outcomes 245
Sana Shams, Barry M Kibel

Summary: This document presents a summary of the discussion on Monetising Outcomes. The discussion captures experience of the OM practitioners and experts on how to best place ...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 18/09/2017

Discussion Summary: OM and Gender 565
Sonal Zaveri

Summary: There is growing interest in addressing persistent and structural gender and social inequities in development and humanitarian programmes. Outcome Mapping is considered...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 26/07/2017

Discussion Summary: OM Clinic: Is there an OM/OH Lite Approach? 229
Sana Shams, Simon Hearn

Summary: Outlined in this document is a summary of the discussion from the OMLC forum in May 2017 focused on the opening question: "With reference to the outcome harvesting/mapp...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 30/06/2017

Defining and assessing research quality in a transdisciplinary context 507
Brian M. Belcher, Katherine E. Rasmussen, Matthew R. Kemshaw & Deborah A. Zornes

Summary: Research increasingly seeks both to generate knowledge and to contribute to real-world solutions, with strong emphasis on context and social engagement. As boundaries b...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 27/04/2017

Independent Evaluation of the Tertiary Health Pacific Islands Program (PIP) and Strengthening Specialised Clinical Services in the Pacific (SSCSiP) 🔗
Plowman, Beth

Summary: This document is evaluation report for the program, Strengthening Specialised Clinical Services in the Pacific. It discusses the appropriateness and effectiveness of th...

Type: Evaluation Reports

Shared: 09/01/2017

Terre Des Hommes experience using OM 112
karin van den belt

Type: Presentations

Shared: 22/12/2016

Notes on OM in evaluation 124
Richard Smith, Jeph Mathias

Type: Workshop Exercise Materials

Shared: 12/12/2016

Pillars of M&E 103
Kaia Ambrose

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 12/12/2016 🔗

Summary: Demonstrating Value offers a simple process and helpful resources to enable you to use information and data more effectively to run your organization, plan for the futu...

Type: Website Links

Shared: 15/05/2015

Operationalising the iterative six Outcome Harvesting steps 1265
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: This is a PowerPoint tool to enable you lead a discussion through the essential content of the Outcome Harvesting process. It is formatted so that you can copy and past...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 11/02/2015

Monitoring and Evaluation in the Development Sector 922

Summary: KPMG's International Development Assistance Services (IDAS) polled 35 M&E leaders from organizations responsible for over US$100 billion of global development expen...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 18/09/2014

Discussion Paper Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation 5343

Summary: Outcome Harvesting is identified as one of eleven innovations based on research and analysis of potential to achieve impact, to be particularly catalytic for M&E, a...

Type: Research Reports

Shared: 26/09/2013

Discussion summary: How to address in a report the issue of an individual hindering a project? 877
Yuval Ofek

Summary: A summary of a discussion among OMLC members. Members share advice and experiences for addressing the issue of problematic individuals in an evaluation report.

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 17/06/2013

Discussion summary: What is a boundary partner? 2862
Simon Hearn, Denisse Rodriguez

Summary: The concept of boundary partners is unique and important in OM. A question on the community email list in March 2013 prompted a fascinating discussion on the topic. Thi...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 09/05/2013

OM usefulness barometer web-survey questionnaire (HIVA 2013) 359
Jan Van Ongevalle, Raf Peels

Summary: This document contains the full web-survey questionnaire that was used during the OM usefulness study carried out by HIVA. Other organisations might find this tool usef...

Type: Others

Shared: 16/04/2013

Outcome Mapping: from alternative to mainstream? 361
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: Slides from Jan Van Ongevalle's keynote address at the OM Master-Class in Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

Webinar recording: Reflecting and learning from applications of OM in eastern Africa 🔗
Julius Nyangaga, , Charles Muchunguzi, Dr. Edward Ontita

Summary: A recording of a webinar given in November 2012. With support from the International Development Research Centre, Canada, the International Institute for Rural Reconstr...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 21/11/2012

Principles and practice of Outcome Mapping 645
Simon Hearn

Summary: Simon Hearn introduces OM in a panel session at the AEA 2012. This presentation provides an overview of the principles of OM and highlights from the recent mapping of O...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 26/10/2012

Frequently Asked Questions on the research component of the PSO thematic Learning Programme PME for Complex Change 779
Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink, Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova

Summary: This internal work document was written in support of the action research process in the Thematic Learning Programme of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation for Complex P...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 16/10/2012

Discussion Summary: What makes Outcome Mapping distinct? 1098
Simon Hearn, Denisse Rodriguez

Summary: Outlined in this document is a summary of the discussion from the OMLC forum in May 2012 focused on the opening question: Why should OM be the new flavour and how OM is...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 01/08/2012

Progress makers slide 687

Summary: This slide is used in many presentations introducing OM. It has been argued however that the ladder analogy is not very helpful because it portrays a linear, step-by-st...

Type: Images

Shared: 01/05/2012

New progress maker slide 694
Simon Hearn

Summary: This slide has been in used in presentations introducing OM. It describes the idea of progress markers as markers across a landscape rather than marking out one particu...

Type: Images

Shared: 01/05/2012

Frontline Fundraising Toolkit 1107

Summary: This American Library Association guide covers the basics of annual funds, memorials and tributes, online giving and planned giving. It also teaches how to deepen relat...

Type: Manuals

Shared: 30/04/2012

Better Evaluation in an OM Context 1038
Patricia Rogers

Summary: What does better evaluation practice look like? How do we get better evaluation in a an OM context? Patricia Rogers presents five standards for quality evaluation and r...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 21/02/2012

Choosing and using Outcome Mapping well 492
Patricia Rogers

Summary: Key note presentation from the OM Lab 2012, Beirut, 6-9 February. Patricia Rogers opens the event with an inspiring talk posing the questions: When should we use OM? a...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 08/02/2012

Webinar: Developing Progress Markers 🔗
Heidi Schaeffer, Julius Nyangaga, Simon Hearn

Summary: A recording of an OM community webinar in October 2011.

Type: Webinar

Shared: 31/10/2011

A Complimentary Approach to Developing Progress Markers in Outcome Mapping 780
Heidi Schaeffer, Julius Nyangaga

Summary: A presentation from an OM community webinar in October 2011.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 24/10/2011

Terms of Reference: OM mapping and needs assessment 1290
Simon Hearn

Summary: Terms of reference for an OMLC commissioned study.

Type: Others

Shared: 07/07/2011

Keystone Partner Survey Report 2011 🔗
Alex Jacobs

Summary: A new report, launched on January 12th 2010 by Keystone, provides powerful new data on the performance of international aid agencies. It summarises feedback from over 1...

Type: Reports

Shared: 12/01/2011

Outcome Mapping and Logical Framework: a community discussion August 2010 2681
Jan Van Ongevalle, Simon Hearn

Summary: A map of responses and discussion around the question: It can be very tempting to pick and choose specific parts of Outcome Mapping you want to use to compliment t...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 16/09/2010

Power vs Empower related to LFA vs OM 604
weeraboon wisartsakul

Type: Presentations

Shared: 29/08/2010

LFA simplified model for facilitating ownership of the programme's vision 567
sauve boulet stephane

Type: Presentations

Shared: 29/08/2010

Discusssion Summary Outcome Mapping & Logical Framework Analysis (part 2) 687
Jan Van Ongevalle, Simon Hearn

Summary: summary of the discussion from 16-20 Aug 2010

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 20/08/2010

Discussion summary OM and LFA April-July 2010 3325
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: Summary of discussion thread on outcome mapping and logical frameworks analysis held from April to July 2010.

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 16/08/2010

A brief introduction to the usefulness of Outcome Mapping for assessing impact 743
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: A short presentation given by Kaia Ambrose at the 'OM meets Seval' meeting in Bern, Switzerland, 15 April 2010. The presentation introduces OM in the context of assessi...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 05/05/2010

Checklist: OM / LFA Fusion 887
Daniel Roduner, Kaia Ambrose

Summary: A practical tool for project teams to use before implementing OM, to decide which methodological appraoch to use: OM, LFA or a fusion of the two. This document was prod...

Type: Checklists

Shared: 19/06/2009

OM Proposal: Translating Outcome Mapping Methodology in Urdu 1487
Sana Shams

Summary: A proposal submitted to the OMLC for the research awards competition 2009.

Type: Unpublished Documents

Shared: 20/05/2009

OM Research Proposal: Integrating OM methodology in Peace Building and Conflict Transformation Project 1279
Michael Karanja

Summary: A proposal submitted to the OMLC for the research awards competition 2009.

Type: Unpublished Documents

Shared: 20/05/2009

OM Research Proposal: OM to help effective management of resources by community contributing to growth and development 632

Summary: A proposal submitted to the OMLC for the research awards competition 2009.

Type: Unpublished Documents

Shared: 20/05/2009

OM Research Proposal: Policy Coherence for Development in Austria: building a policy-advocacy evaluation tool 800
Bernhard Hack

Summary: Bernhard aims to develop a unique evaluation tool, based on OM and Social Network Analysis, for assessing government efforts towards policy coherence for development.

Type: Unpublished Documents

Shared: 08/05/2009

OM Research Proposal: Development of Indonesian OM Resource Kit 699

Summary: Steff and Nina aim to translate and contextualise OM to the Indonesian Context. They will produce valuable lessons on the process of contextualisation as well as a loca...

Type: Unpublished Documents

Shared: 08/05/2009

OM Research Proposal: • Progress markers can be developed using a Knowledge-Attitude-Practice model 1556
Heidi Schaeffer, Julius Nyangaga

Summary: Julius and Heidi tackle the question of how to develop meaningful progress markers and will produce a guide on how to use the KAP model with OM.

Type: Unpublished Documents

Shared: 08/05/2009

Examen de la gestión basada en los resultados en las Naciones Unidas 261
Oficina de Servicios de Supervisión Interna (OSSI)

Summary: En las Naciones Unidas, la gestión basada en los resultados ha sido una tarea administrativa de escaso valor para la rendición de cuentas y la toma de dec...

Type: Reports

Shared: 17/04/2009

Discussion summary: OM is good but donors still require LFs? 1786

Summary: Outlined in this document is a summary of the discussion from the Outcome Mapping Forum focused on the Opening Question: “we are reviewing our program managemen...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 20/01/2009

Discussion summary - Boundary partners (Spanish) 707
Simon Hearn, Lucia Battegazzore

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 08/10/2008

Structured discussion 1 & 2 Vision and Mission - LAC forum 360
Lucia Battegazzore

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 15/09/2008

Hands-on Outcome Mapping 742
Goele Scheers, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: An interactive session with three exercises to present essential concepts of Outcome Mapping so that global action network leaders, donors and consultants can asses whe...

Type: Lessons Learned Summaries

Shared: 04/09/2008

Aristotle and Plato at it again? Philosophical divergence within international aid project design and monitoring and evaluation 1722
Paul Crawford, David Kelly, Cynthia Mitchell, Paul Bryce

Summary: International aid projects are broadly concerned with fostering change. Frequently, the ‘theory of change’ within an aid project is communicated using Logi...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 02/09/2008

Logframe - A Critique 4770
Robert Chambers and Jethro Pettit

Summary: "Logical Framework Analysis (Logframe) and its variants as a required method for planning and monitoring illustrate how procedures can reinforce relationships of power ...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 28/08/2008

Discussion summary: Vision (Spanish) 909
Lucia Battegazzore

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 26/08/2008

Discussion Summary: How have you made the monitoring component work in Outcome Mapping? 701
Simon Hearn

Summary: A summary of a community discussion about the monitoring component of OM. From 2007. Collected as part of the Making Outcome Mapping Work 2nd edition publication.

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 07/08/2008

A structured look at OM: Strategy Maps 1442
Steff Deprez

Summary: A summary of a community discussion. Key points were: - Contributors in this discussion highly appreciate the use of the 2x3 strategy map matrix. It is seen as a grea...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 21/07/2008

A structured look at OM: Outcome Challenges and Progress Markers 1600
Simon Hearn

Summary: A summary of the OM learning community discussion about Outcome Challenges and Progress Markers. Particularly focussing on the question of attitude vs behavioural indic...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 22/05/2008

Discussion Summary - A structured look at OM: Boundary Partners 1983
Simon Hearn

Summary: A summary of the OM learning community discussion about boundary partners.

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 18/01/2008

Synthesis of OM and LFA? 980
Daniel Roduner

Type: Presentations

Shared: 13/09/2007

Discussion summary: A structured look at OM: MISSION 1265
Harry Jones

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 24/07/2007

Discussion Summary - A structured look at OM: VISION 1280
Harry Jones

Summary: A summary of the OM learning community discussion about the visioning element of OM

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 13/06/2007

Influence Mapping 🔗

Type: Manuals

Shared: 09/01/2007

Looking at Outcome Mapping from the Lens of Appreciative Enquiry 940
Ben Ramalingam

Summary: Do AI and OM share some common appreciative frame of reference in such a manner that the two disciplines/tools complement and complete each other? This table is an att...

Type: Checklists

Shared: 18/10/2006

Circles of Influence 1782

Summary: I've found this document useful for providing background to the concept of spheres of influence (where projects can actually exercise influence and contribute to result...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 15/06/2006

Evaluation of ICIMOD OM Workshop, Nepal 781

Summary: Evaluation of Outcome Mapping Workshop – ICIMOD, Kathmandu, June 29 – July 1 2004

Type: Workshop Reports

Shared: 15/05/2006

OM Workshop Evaluation Report - Guatemala, April 2003 1060
Natalia Ortiz

Summary: Workshop evaluation report.

Type: Workshop Reports

Shared: 15/05/2006

Challenging evaluation: an introduction to Outcome Mapping 🔗

Summary: The report of a Exchange at Healthlink on Outcome Mapping.

Type: Website Links

Shared: 15/05/2006

Output Outcome Downstream Impact Blues 891
Terry Smutylo

Summary: A song written by OM founder, Terry Smutylo, which captures the motivations behind the development of the OM methodology.

Type: Songs

Shared: 15/05/2006

OM Framework 839
Sarah Earl, Terry Smutylo, Fred Carden

Type: Images

Shared: 12/05/2006

Outcome Mapping Pamphlet 700
Sarah Earl, Terry Smutylo, Fred Carden

Summary: 4 pages which offer a succinct description of the methodology. Useful for newcomers.

Type: Pamphlets

Shared: 12/05/2006

Syllabus for Colorado State University Course 'Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation' 1678

Summary: Syllabus for University course which uses OM as a key text.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 12/05/2006

NEPED Self Assessment 4595

Summary: Workshop report summarising a self-assessment which employed the OM methodology.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 12/05/2006

International Model Forest Network Secretariat Outcome Assessment 1360
Fred Carden, Sarah Earl, Jim Armstrong, Amanda Coe

Summary: Study using OM as an ex post evaluation framework.

Type: Evaluation Reports

Shared: 12/05/2006

Program Framework for Research On International Tobacco Control Secretariat 665

Summary: Summary of OM approach to RITC program.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 12/05/2006

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