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A structured look at OM: Strategy Maps

Steff Deprez

Summary: A summary of a community discussion. Key points were:

- Contributors in this discussion highly appreciate the use of the 2x3 strategy map matrix. It is seen as a great tool/approach for analysing existing strategies and the identification of creative & innovative strategies in support of partners.

- Depending on the context and realities of the programme, people seem to have different perceptions on how detailed the strategies should be formulated. It can range from detailed activities (including information on what is done, where, who and respective budgets) to very general strategies. Over-all, it can be concluded that for multi-annual plans, general strategy maps are recommended while for annual plans more detailed activities are required.

- Contributors seem to be creative in the way they use strategic maps in programme design exercises. Before developing the strategy matrix, people use other approaches such as Force Field Analysis, brainstorm, …

- Strategy maps seem to have some ‘connecting’ possibilities with the logical framework. Contributors mention the linkage with the activity and output level of the logframe as well as the possibility of aligning strategies with the intermediate results in the logframe.

Type: OM Discussion summary

Theme: OM Resources: Other

Contibuted by: Simon Hearn, on: 21 Jul 2008

Downloads: 1442

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