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602 resultado(s) encontrado(s). Showing page 8 of 25.

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OM Training in Cape Town, Registration form 167

Tipo: Material de Formación OM

Shared: 06/11/2015

OM December training 🔗
Glowen Kyei-Mensah, Steff Deprez, Michael Boadi Kwame

Tipo: Los Curriculum Vitae

Shared: 14/09/2015

Capacity development monitoring tool 528
Jan Van Ongevalle

Resumen: A simple tool to monitor capacity development during a yearly reflection meeting between boundary partner and supporting organisation.

Tipo: Documentación de Procesos OM

Shared: 24/08/2015

Preparación para la sequía y adaptación al cambio climático en Brasil: asistencia con la institucionalización política y la gestión proactiva de sequías 413
Maria Emilia Accioli Nobre Bretan

Resumen: La Cosecha de Alcances (Cda) fue utilizada en el monitoreo y evaluación (M&E) de un programa de asistencia técnica intersectorial del Banco Mundial (...

Tipo: Ponencias

Shared: 22/06/2015

Example OM use in evaluation of policy influencing 859
Irma Alpenidze, Mike Zuijderduijn, Ingrid Oomes, Ger Roebeling

Resumen: Dear community members, In MDF we use OM for evaluation on multiple occasions, mostly, as mentioned by other members by constructing progress markers in retrospect. W...

Tipo: Informes de Evaluación

Shared: 17/06/2015 🔗

Resumen: Demonstrating Value offers a simple process and helpful resources to enable you to use information and data more effectively to run your organization, plan for the futu...

Tipo: Enlaces de sitios Web

Shared: 15/05/2015

Gender-Indicator Design Process: Monitoring Gender Behavior Change in Agriculture Programs 🔗
Steff Deprez, Kaia Ambrose, Pranati Mohanraj, Emily Hillenbrand

Resumen: This booklet describes the process of how CARE applied some key concepts of OM to evaluate pathways to empowerment and men's engagement in an agriculture program at mid...

Tipo: Documentación de Procesos OM

Shared: 01/05/2015

What is the Outcome Mapping Learning Community? 350
OMLC Stewards

Resumen: What is Outcome Mapping? Why is it important? Where and how is it used? How can I learn about OM? What is the OMLC? How do I get started? This four page pamphlet answe...

Tipo: Folletos

Shared: 24/04/2015

Reflections on Outcome Mapping 🔗
Simon Batchelor

Resumen: I created these videos with the intention of them being a supplement to my own workshops on OM. Having started as a training resource, I am not so sure the finished pr...

Tipo: Video

Shared: 21/04/2015

Webinar recording: Challenges that Complexity poses for Monitoring and Evaluation and Systemic Thinking as a Means to Cope 🔗
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Resumen: Webinar hosted by Human Systems Dynamics Institute as part of their webinar series on Systems and Peace: Emerging Frontiers (

Tipo: Webinar

Shared: 16/04/2015

The Barefoot Guide 4: Exploring the Real Work of Social Change 🔗
The Fourth Barefoot Guide Writer’s Collective

Resumen: This is a book about social change practices from many countries. It contains a variety of stories, analyses, and ideas, with many poems and illustrations to illuminate...

Tipo: Artículos / Ponencias

Shared: 15/04/2015

Reflections on Womankind Worldwide’s experiences of tackling common challenges in monitoring and evaluating women’s rights programming 🔗
Helen Lindley

Resumen: A la hora de monitorear y evaluar el trabajo programático y la incidencia en el ámbito de los derechos de mujeres surgen varios retos técnicos, con...

Tipo: Artículos / Ponencias

Shared: 08/04/2015

Using outcome mapping as a monitoring and management tool in a small ruminant value chain project 1095
Hailemichael Taye, Kees Swaans and Saskia Hendrickx

Resumen: The imGoats project (‘small ruminant value chains to increase income and food security in India and Mozambique’) was designed to increase incomes and food s...

Tipo: Estudio de Casos

Shared: 25/02/2015

Perencanaan dan Monitoring untuk Perubahan Perilaku: Pengalaman Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar dalam Menggunakan Outcome Mapping 10587

Resumen: A paper in Indonesian (English version will follow) about Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia Teaching Movement) experience using Outcome Mapping for planning and monitoring....

Tipo: Documentación de Procesos OM

Shared: 21/02/2015

Operationalising the iterative six Outcome Harvesting steps 1253
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Resumen: This is a PowerPoint tool to enable you lead a discussion through the essential content of the Outcome Harvesting process. It is formatted so that you can copy and past...

Tipo: Guías de Instrucciones

Shared: 11/02/2015

ROMA: Pedoman untuk Pelibatan dan Mempengaruhi Kebijakan 🔗
Simon Hearn, Translated by the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), John Young, Ajoy Datta

Resumen: [This publication is an Indonesian translation of ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence (] Selama lebih dar...

Tipo: Guías de Instrucciones

Shared: 08/01/2015

Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink, Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova

Resumen: During a collective action research that ran from 2010 till 2012, 10 NGOs (9 Dutch and one Belgian), together with their Southern partners, piloted various actor focuse...

Tipo: Documentación de Procesos OM

Shared: 23/12/2014

Análisis comparado de las metodologías de marco lógico y mapeo de alcances para el diseño de proyectos en gobierno federal y sociedad civil 16077
Daniela Dorantes

Resumen: La investigación analiza la pertinencia del uso para la rendición de cuentas, la asignación presupuestal y el aprendizaje de tres metodologí...

Tipo: Tesis

Shared: 15/12/2014

CARE Pathways Program's Use of Outcome Mapping to Understand Empowerment 🔗
Kaia Ambrose, Emily Hillenbrand

Resumen: This webinar was co-hosted by CARE and the Outcome Mapping Learning Community. The panel shared many lessons that have cross-cutting relevance for Monitoring Evaluation...

Tipo: Webinar

Shared: 18/11/2014

Webinar recording: Launching the OM Practitioner Guide 🔗
Simon Hearn, Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Resumen: Kaia Ambrose and Steff Deprez introduce the new Outcome Mapping Practitioner Guide. See the guide in action, learn what you can find there, hear why it was developed an...

Tipo: Webinar

Shared: 18/11/2014

Use of Outcome Mapping to Understand Empowerment 🔗
Kaia Ambrose, Emily Hillenbrand

Resumen: The presentation given at the CARE / OMLC hosted webinar in October 2014. The presentation focusses on the use of OM in the CARE Pathways Program. CARE’s approac...

Tipo: Ponencias

Shared: 18/11/2014

The Outcome Mapping Journey 779
Corinne Sprecher

Resumen: An alternative way to introduce the steps and terminology of Outcome Mapping

Tipo: Material de Formación OM

Shared: 30/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: OM and Evaluation part 1 1434
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Resumen: Slides from day 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: OM and Evaluation session. This slide set covers Outcome Harvesting.

Tipo: Ponencias

Shared: 21/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: Introduction to Outcome Mapping slides 486
Jan Van Ongevalle, Heidi Schaeffer, Ziad Moussa

Resumen: Slides from the Day 1 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Introduction to Outcome Mapping

Tipo: Ponencias

Shared: 16/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: Advanced Intentional Design slides 276
Jan Van Ongevalle, Heidi Schaeffer, Ziad Moussa

Resumen: Slides from the Day 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Advanced Intentional Design

Tipo: Ponencias

Shared: 16/10/2014

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