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Example OM use in evaluation of policy influencing

Irma Alpenidze, Mike Zuijderduijn, Ingrid Oomes, Ger Roebeling

Summary: Dear community members,

In MDF we use OM for evaluation on multiple occasions, mostly, as mentioned by other members by constructing progress markers in retrospect. We found out that a good practice is to combine this with contribution analysis, to connect changes at outcome level to deliverables/strategies.

If you are interested in details, let's continue e-mailing, happy to share.

Attached find an example: use of OM in the Independent Mid-Term Review of the Strategic Framework for the International Land Coalition ( OM-relevant pages are 43 and 47 illustrating the progress markers for changes in land policies and processes at regional and global level and section pp. 50-71 that describes progress markers towards changed People Centred Land Governance at national level for 4 country cases.

Thank you for sharing and hope this example inspires some of you that tailor PMs for evaluation of policy influencing work.

Would love to hear your reaction,

Type: Evaluation Reports

Theme: OM Resources: Examples of Use

Contibuted by: Irma Alpenidze, on: 17 Jun 2015

Downloads: 881

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