Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink, Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova
Summary: During a collective action research that ran from 2010 till 2012, 10 NGOs (9 Dutch and one Belgian), together with their Southern partners, piloted various actor focused planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) approaches. These included outcome mapping, most significant change, client satisfaction instruments, participatory PME tools, score cards and Sensemaker.
This article is written as a technical guide that provides detail about the ‘technicalities’ of choos¬ing, introducing, adapting and implementing the PME approaches that were explored in the action research. In the technical paper you will find the following:
1) Some of the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how the various actor focused PME approaches were set up and implemented.
2) An analysis of the main advantages and challenges of each PME approach.
3) A (draft) framework that may help you to choose a PME approach that is suitable for your programme.
4) a weblink to the individual case reports of the organisations who participated in the action research
Type: OM Process Documentation
Theme: OM Resources: Books and Articles
Contibuted by: Jan Van Ongevalle, on: 23 Dec 2014
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