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Outcome Harvesting - a way to evaluate using Outcome Mapping 1267
Richard Smith, Goele Scheers

Summary: A half-day introduction to the six steps of the Outcome Harvesting tool with exercises to practice outcome identification and description.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 08/12/2016

Outcome Mapping graphic facilitation notes 🔗
Katherine Haugh

Summary: A set of beautifully illustrated notes by Katherine Haugh who attended an Outcome Mapping workshop at the American Evaluation Association conference in 2015.

Type: Others

Shared: 09/02/2016

Reflections on Outcome Mapping 🔗
Simon Batchelor

Summary: I created these videos with the intention of them being a supplement to my own workshops on OM. Having started as a training resource, I am not so sure the finished pr...

Type: Video

Shared: 21/04/2015

The Outcome Mapping Journey 799
Corinne Sprecher

Summary: An alternative way to introduce the steps and terminology of Outcome Mapping

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 30/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: OM and Evaluation part 1 1441
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Slides from day 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: OM and Evaluation session. This slide set covers Outcome Harvesting.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 21/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: Introduction to Outcome Mapping slides 496
Jan Van Ongevalle, Heidi Schaeffer, Ziad Moussa

Summary: Slides from the Day 1 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Introduction to Outcome Mapping

Type: Presentations

Shared: 16/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: Advanced Intentional Design slides 281
Jan Van Ongevalle, Heidi Schaeffer, Ziad Moussa

Summary: Slides from the Day 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Advanced Intentional Design

Type: Presentations

Shared: 16/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: Outcome Mapping and Monitoring slides 506
Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Summary: Slides from Day 1 and 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Outcome Mapping and Monitoring.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 16/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: OM and Evaluation part 2 slides 344
Julius Nyangaga

Summary: A powerpoint presentation showing the role of or how OM can be applied in project evaluation

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 10/10/2014

The Alignment, Interest and Influence Matrix (AIIM) guidance note 🔗
Enrique Mendizabal

Summary: The RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach (ROMA) draws from the Outcome Mapping methodology to support the planning, monitoring and evaluation of policy influencing interventi...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 30/09/2014

Learning about How to Role Play Outcome Mapping in an Hour 🔗
Simon Batchelor

Summary: This paper outlines a role play game that illustrates the Outcome Mapping processes as detailed in the IDRC manual.. Here we share how to set up the game, and how to r...

Type: Facilitation Guides

Shared: 13/09/2014

OM Training Workshop: Registration form 340

Summary: Please fill in this form if you would like to register for the OM training in Cape Town in October, provided by Southern Hemisphere.

Type: Others

Shared: 28/07/2014

OM Training Workshop: Course information brochure. 258
Southern Hemisphere

Summary: Brochure for training workshop in Cape Town in October 2014 provided by Southern Hemisphere.

Type: Others

Shared: 28/07/2014

Outcome-Based Learning Field Guide-Tools to harvest and monitor outcomes and systematically learn from complex projects 1791
World Bank

Summary: The field guide is based on the pilot experiences of World Bank projects. It presents resources that can help practitioners collaboratively harvest, substantiate, inter...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 17/07/2014

Introduction to OM for evaluators: One day workshop 1113
Kaia Ambrose, Simon Hearn

Summary: The slides from a one day workshop given at the American Evaluation Association conference in Washington DC, October 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 11/06/2014

When and how can Outcome Harvesting be a useful tool for Developmental Evaluation? 609
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: An example of Outcome Harvesting application presented in Michael Quinn Patton's Intermediate Developmental Evaluation study course for the American Evaluation Association

Type: Presentations

Shared: 15/05/2014

Glossary in French, Spanish, English and Portuguese 694
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Translation of common OM terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Type: Glossaries

Shared: 14/02/2014

OM terms in French, English, Spanish and Finnish 609
Finnish Outcome Mapping learning group

Summary: The original purpose of the Finnish Outcome Mapping Learning Group was to share experiences in applying Outcome Mapping. As one of our first tasks we decided to transla...

Type: Glossaries

Shared: 21/10/2013

Introduction to Outcome Mapping slides 1448
Simon Hearn, Julius Nyangaga, Ziad Moussa

Summary: Slides for a one and a half day introduction to OM workshop given at the OM Master-Class 2013 in Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

M&E and OM: Monitoring Design 872
Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Summary: The first of two slide sets for a one day workshop on M&E and OM at the OM Master-Class, Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

M&E and OM: Monitoring Practice 577
Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Summary: The second of two sets of slides for a one day workshop on M&E and OM at the OM Master-Class, Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

Progress Marker Indicators for Developmental Change 2096
Heidi Schaeffer

Summary: A slide set for a half day workshop on Progress Markers given by Heidi Schaffer at the OM Master-Class, Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

Outcome Harvesting: a tool for identifying and understanding results in complex circumstances 945
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: A slide set for a one day workshop on Outcome Harvesting given by Ricardo Wilson-Grau at the OM Master-Class, Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

Cosecha de Alcances 4113
Heather Britt, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Cosecha de Alcances es una herramienta centrada en la utilización y altamente participativo que permite a evaluadores, donantes y gerentes de proyectos y program...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 18/01/2013

Webinar recording: What is the value of Outcome Mapping 🔗
Jan Van Ongevalle, Steff Deprez, Simon Hearn

Summary: During this webinar, the results of the Outcome Mapping usefulness study are presented and discussed. This study, commissioned by the Outcome Mapping Learning Community...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 15/12/2012

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