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GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION - How to measure and improve the impact 1181
Jan Van Ongevalle, FRAME, VOICE REPORT! project team in CISU

Summary: This guide presents 4 methods and tools that can help organisations set up an easy-to-use monitoring system for learning about the effects of global citizenship educati...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 02/09/2020

Supporting adaptive management: Monitoring and evaluation tools and approaches 1227
Tiina Pasanen, Inka Barnett

Summary: This working paper introduces a set of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tools and approaches, discussing their potential usefulness in supporting adaptive management...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 15/01/2020

Assessing Systems Change: A Funders’ Workshop Report 497
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Summary: In August 2019, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) co-hosted a 3-day workshop in response to great interest in deeply exploring the question of how to monitor and ...

Type: Workshop Reports

Shared: 15/01/2020

Outcome Harvesting evaluation OIKKO (Unity): Bangladesh 363
Richard Smith, Humaira Aziz and Joe Sutcliffe

Summary: OIKKO (Unity in Bangla) was a 3 year project (March 2015 – February 2018) delivered by CARE Bangladesh with support from CARE Austria, with funding from the Europ...

Type: Evaluation Reports

Shared: 07/10/2019

Engaged co-design, action research and evaluation: Tools and concepts to design and facilitate impactful change 151
Heidi Schaeffer, Daniel Buckles

Summary: Brochure for event held in Toronto, Canada in October 2019.

Type: Pamphlets

Shared: 04/10/2019

OMLC Winter School 2019 - workshop brochure 665
OMLC Stewards

Summary: Brochure for the OMLC event: OMLC Winter School 2019, Brussels, Belgium, 3-6 December, 2019. Brochure contains details of the programme, session outlines and facilit...

Type: Pamphlets

Shared: 03/04/2019

OMLC Summer School 2019 - Save the date 169
OMLC Stewards

Summary: Save the date announcement for the OMLC Summer School in Leuven, Belgium, 2-5 July 2019.

Type: Poster

Shared: 19/03/2019

Outcome Harvesting Steps and Principles - 2019 386
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Slides from the American Evaluation Association conference in 2018 - Summary of the Outcome Harvesting Steps and Principles.

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 20/01/2019

Book of remembrance for Ricardo Wilson-Grau 1128
Members of the OM Community

Summary: Ricardo Wilson-Grau, the innovator of Outcome Harvesting and a leader in this community for many years died on 31st December 2018 at his home in Rio de Janeiro. He was ...

Type: Others

Shared: 18/01/2019

Evaluation: Improvement of women’s and girls' rights in Finland’s development policy and cooperation (2012-2017) 823
Kornelia Rassmann, G Byron, P Poutiainen, Merja Mäkelä, J Gasana, MN Wanjiru, S Dini, S Dhungana, PETRA MIKKOLAINEN

Summary: Finland has a long-standing commitment to gender equality and women's and girls’ rights that are strongly enshrined in its development policies. The purpose of ...

Type: Evaluation Reports

Shared: 29/09/2018

Webinar: Improvement of women’s and girls' rights in Finland’s development policy and cooperation (2012-2017) 🔗
Kornelia Rassmann, G Byron, P Poutiainen, Merja Mäkelä, J Gasana, MN Wanjiru, S Dini, S Dhungana, PETRA MIKKOLAINEN

Summary: The webinar summarises the key messages of an evaluation on Finland's contribution to promoting gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights. The evaluatio...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 29/09/2018

OMLC event - Nairobi 2018 129
Simon Hearn

Summary: Save the date announcement for the OMLC event in Nairobi, 2018: Outcome-oriented monitoring, evaluation and learning. Organised in collaboration with CARE.

Type: Poster

Shared: 16/08/2018

Outcome Harvesting - workshop slides 292
Jeph Mathias

Summary: The presentation slides used for OM Learning & Exchange, Bangkok, 2018.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 10/07/2018

Outcome Harvesting: A Developmental Evaluation Inquiry Framework Supporting the Development of an International Social Change Network 2597
Goele Scheers, Paul Kosterink, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: This chapter features a developmental evaluation of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), using outcome harvesting as an inquiry framewor...

Type: Case Study Reports

Shared: 23/01/2018

Outcome Mapping by the Safe Food, Fair Food project 472
Julius Nyangaga

Summary: The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction offered support and training on Outcome Mapping for the Safe Food, Fair Food project, the short name for the project...

Type: Project Reports

Shared: 07/11/2017

An assessment of the influence of CCAFS' climate data and tools on outcomes achieved 2010-2016 🔗
Kornelia Rassmann, Tonya Schuetz, Philip Thornton, Laura Cramer, Tonya Schuetz

Summary: The four volumes (in the link below) comprise an evaluation report commissioned by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). ...

Type: Evaluation Reports

Shared: 20/09/2017

CGIAR-CCAFS Info Note: Assessing the influence of CCAFS’ climate data and tools: findings from an Outcome Harvesting evaluation 236
Kornelia Rassmann, Tonya Schuetz, Philip Thornton, Laura Cramer, Tonya Schuetz

Summary: The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) integrates climate change research across all CGIAR Research Centres and Research Pr...

Type: Evaluation Reports

Shared: 20/09/2017

Poster: Using Outcome Harvesting to evaluate a climate change research programme 496
Kornelia Rassmann, Tonya Schuetz, Philip Thornton, Laura Cramer, Tonya Schuetz

Summary: Exploring and developing effective evaluative approaches for evidencing the contribution of CCAFS climate data and tools towards development outcomes. The CGIAR Rese...

Type: Poster

Shared: 20/09/2017

Whose story? Exploring communicative practices among international development organisations using learning approaches designed for complex situations 285
Mariam Smith

Summary: The context in which international development work takes place is often complex and requires learning approaches which pay attention to complexity. Change is unpredict...

Type: Theses

Shared: 28/07/2017

Gender and Equity in Outcome Mapping: A Summary of Issues and Experiences 3143
Sonal Zaveri

Summary: This article analyzes the relationship of the OM (and Outcome Harvesting) approach, processes and tools towards addressing gender and equity concerns – in other w...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 26/07/2017

Discussion Summary: OM Clinic: Is there an OM/OH Lite Approach? 240
Sana Shams, Simon Hearn

Summary: Outlined in this document is a summary of the discussion from the OMLC forum in May 2017 focused on the opening question: "With reference to the outcome harvesting/mapp...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 30/06/2017

When is OM useful? 202
Terry Smutylo

Summary: Summary of responses to two questions from participants of OM training workshops from 2010 to 2016: When is OM especially useful? When is OM not especially useful?

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 07/03/2017

Formulating Outcomes in Outcome Harvesting - Dos and Don'ts 0
Goele Scheers

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 12/12/2016

Outcome Harvesting - a way to evaluate using Outcome Mapping 1274
Richard Smith, Goele Scheers

Summary: A half-day introduction to the six steps of the Outcome Harvesting tool with exercises to practice outcome identification and description.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 08/12/2016

Outcomes evaluation of the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) 2012 - 2015 901
Kornelia Rassmann, Richard Smith

Summary: This evaluation was commissioned by GNDR and undertaken by the independent evaluators Kornelia Rassmann and Richard Smith. Next to interviews and surveys, the evaluatio...

Type: Reports

Shared: 05/04/2016

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