188 result(s) found. Showing page 6 of 8.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All Items per page:Summary: A presentation which gives an overview of a case study application of OM and the challenges encountered in monitoring and evaluating this particular development interve...
Type: Presentations
Shared: 11/08/2010
Summary: Slides which describe how VECO has adapted the OM framework over the years to guide their sustainable agriculture chain development programme as well as the linkages a...
Type: Presentations
Shared: 06/05/2010
Summary: A short presentation given by Simon Hearn at the 'OM meets Seval' meeting in Bern, Switzerland, 16 April 2010. The presentation describes the approach developed by the ...
Type: Presentations
Shared: 05/05/2010
Summary: A short presentation given by Ricardo Wilson-Grau at the 'OM meets Seval' meeting in Bern, Switzerland, 16 April 2010. The presentation introduces describes two approac...
Type: Presentations
Shared: 05/05/2010
Summary: Outcome Mapping is a methodology for planning, assessment and monitoring of projects promoted by IDRC. The Latin American Trade Network has incorporated this methodolog...
Type: Books
Shared: 06/04/2010
Summary: A presentation given at a DFID hosted workshop. Introduces OM and describes how it can be used to monitor and evaluate policy influencing initiatives.
Type: Presentations
Shared: 06/01/2010
Summary: Cuarto estudios de caso de América Latina, relfexionando sobre el uso de mapeo de alcances y los cambios provocados en las organizaciones en el transcurso de la ...
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 27/11/2009
Summary: This working paper describes the various steps involved in analysing and learning from OM monitoring data in the national ´teacher education and vulnerability&ac...
Type: OM Process Documentation
Shared: 25/11/2009
Summary: The paper describes the start of the contextualisation process of OM in Indonesian. It is the result of a 3-day OM contextualisation workshop organised by VECO Indonesi...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 26/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the Ceja Andina project in Ecuador applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya has applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the RAPID group at ODI applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the SAHA programme Madagascar applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the Case Study: St2eep project in Zimbabwe applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the VECO programme in Indonesia applied OM.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: A study of how the Eastern Indonesian Information Exchange has applied Outcome Mapping.
Type: Case Studies
Shared: 23/09/2009
Summary: This document gives a detailed programme of a half-day workshop that is used in the VVOB programme in Zimbabwe to support its boundary partners to fill their outcome jo...
Type: OM Process Documentation
Shared: 14/05/2009
Summary: Presentation on how OM and LFA form an integrated planning, monitoring and evaluation system in the VVOB Zimbabwe programme, ´Quality Education and Vulnerability ...
Type: Presentations
Shared: 08/04/2009
Summary: In this short text, we will try to share few learning insights and some challenges that were encountered throughout the process and trigger some discussion points which...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 13/03/2009
Summary: This one-page summary describes the approach and lessons learned from using a baseline study to communicate the complexity of a programme to its partners. Outcome mappi...
Type: Lessons Learned Summaries
Shared: 30/01/2009
Summary: This powerpoint gives a summary of the results of a baseline study for the ´quality education and vulnerability programme in Zimbabwe. Presenting these results to...
Type: Lessons Learned Summaries
Shared: 30/01/2009
Summary: A diagram demonstrating how VECO Indonesia design their Planning, Learning & Accountability system.
Type: OM Process Documentation
Shared: 18/08/2008
Summary: A simple instrument for planners, monitors and evaluators, and those who employ them, to agree on the meaning of the three types of results.
Type: How To Guides
Shared: 13/08/2008
Summary: La Corporación Ecopar implementó el prouyecto de conservación junto con sus socios directos (municipalidades, asociaciones de granjeros, escuelas r...
Type: Case Study Reports
Shared: 04/08/2008
Summary: Four PowerPoint slides explaining the differences between the three basic types of OECD-DAC results from an Outcome Mapping perspective.
Type: OM Process Documentation
Shared: 25/06/2008