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603 résultat(s) trouvé(s). Showing page 18 of 25.

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Examen de la gestión basada en los resultados en las Naciones Unidas 261
Oficina de Servicios de Supervisión Interna (OSSI)

Résumé: En las Naciones Unidas, la gestión basada en los resultados ha sido una tarea administrativa de escaso valor para la rendición de cuentas y la toma de dec...

Type: Rapports

Shared: 17/04/2009

Monitoring for impact in a programme’s sphere of influence – a case study of the ´quality education and vulnerability programme´ in Zimbabwe 1559
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Résumé: This paper describes our experiences with integrating outcome mapping and logical framework in the VVOB Zimbabwe programme: ´Quality Education and Vulnerability P...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 08/04/2009

Monitoring for impact in a programme’s sphere of influence – a case study of the ´quality education and vulnerability programme´ in Zimbabwe 789
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Résumé: Presentation on how OM and LFA form an integrated planning, monitoring and evaluation system in the VVOB Zimbabwe programme, ´Quality Education and Vulnerability ...

Type: Présentations

Shared: 08/04/2009

The ‘gold standard’ is not a silver bullet for evaluation 826
Harry Jones

Résumé: ODI Opinion piece on Impact Evaluation. Key message is: ‘A focus on the institutional capacity and incentives that foster the use of evaluations is overdue, and i...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 26/03/2009

Improving impact evaluation production and use 1461
Nicola Jones, Harry Jones, Ajoy Datta

Résumé: The past five years have seen a proliferation of impact evaluations (IEs) by development agencies across the globe. This report aims to inform discussions on impact eva...

Type: Rapports de recherche

Shared: 26/03/2009

Invitation to OMLC meet-up in Cairo 572
Ziad Moussa

Résumé: Please come and meet other members of the OM virtual learning community who are in Cairo for the impact evaluation conference. We are meeting at La Bodega restaurant, 1...

Type: Brochures

Shared: 24/03/2009

The Barefoot Guide to Working with Organisations and Social Change 🔗
The Barefoot Collective

Résumé: This is a free, downloadable, do-it-yourself guide for leaders and facilitators working with local organisations to function and develop in more healthy, human and effe...

Type: Ouvrages

Shared: 19/03/2009

brochure for the 5-day Outcome Mapping Training and Workshop in Switzerland 06. - 10.July 2009 Maennedorf near Zurich, Switzerland 710
Carsten Schulz, Daniel Roduner

Résumé: Agridea International ( is organising a training and workshop on Outcome Mapping in English language in Europe. Interested people working i...

Type: Matériels de formation OM

Shared: 16/03/2009

OMLC Research Awards 2009 685
Simon Hearn

Résumé: The OMLC is inviting members to apply for three awards to support OM relevant research.

Type: Autres

Shared: 16/03/2009

On Contribution, Attribution and Contextualization: The Story of OM in the MENA region 1020
Ziad Moussa

Résumé: In this short text, we will try to share few learning insights and some challenges that were encountered throughout the process and trigger some discussion points which...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 13/03/2009

Tallando definiciones de productos, alcances e impacto 1011
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Résumé: Un procseo en de tres pasos para aclarar definiciones sobre los tres tipos de resultados.

Type: Guides Comment faire

Shared: 13/03/2009

Productos, alcances, impacto 613
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Résumé: Una historia y tres definiciones en diapositivas de PowerPoint para explicar los tres conceptos de resultados

Type: Présentations

Shared: 13/03/2009

communicating complexity using a baseline 1174
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Résumé: This one-page summary describes the approach and lessons learned from using a baseline study to communicate the complexity of a programme to its partners. Outcome mappi...

Type: Résumés des leçons apprises

Shared: 30/01/2009

Summary of baseline results for the ´quality education & vulnerability´ program 788
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Résumé: This powerpoint gives a summary of the results of a baseline study for the ´quality education and vulnerability programme in Zimbabwe. Presenting these results to...

Type: Résumés des leçons apprises

Shared: 30/01/2009

Discussion summary: OM is good but donors still require LFs? 1786

Résumé: Outlined in this document is a summary of the discussion from the Outcome Mapping Forum focused on the Opening Question: “we are reviewing our program managemen...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 20/01/2009

Obama and USAID: the need for genuine evaluation 🔗
Ajoy Datta

Résumé: What comes first for USAID – evidence or policy? Over the last decade, many would argue that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has in...

Type: Autres

Shared: 19/01/2009

Community Newsletter 2008 no.2 9508
Simon Hearn

Résumé: <p>The second community newsletter. In this issue:</p> <ul> <li>OM in uncertainty - read two different opinions and join the debate <li>...

Type: Bulletins d'information

Shared: 16/12/2008

Discussion summary - Boundary partners (Spanish) 707
Simon Hearn, Lucia Battegazzore

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 08/10/2008

Step 0 – what happens and how- input for discussions 610
Olivia M. Hartmann-Fässler

Résumé: This small input was produced after discussions with a small group of OM practitioners. It looks at the so-called step 0 of Outcome mapping, that is, at what happens be...

Type: Autres

Shared: 19/09/2008

Structured discussion 1 & 2 Vision and Mission - LAC forum 360
Lucia Battegazzore

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 15/09/2008

Outcome Mapping for Project and Programme Planning 1419
Simon Hearn, Terry Smutylo

Résumé: OM workshop 3-6 November 2008, London. See flyer for more details.

Type: Brochures

Shared: 05/09/2008

Hands-on Outcome Mapping 742
Goele Scheers, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Résumé: An interactive session with three exercises to present essential concepts of Outcome Mapping so that global action network leaders, donors and consultants can asses whe...

Type: Résumés des leçons apprises

Shared: 04/09/2008

Aristotle and Plato at it again? Philosophical divergence within international aid project design and monitoring and evaluation 1722
Paul Crawford, David Kelly, Cynthia Mitchell, Paul Bryce

Résumé: International aid projects are broadly concerned with fostering change. Frequently, the ‘theory of change’ within an aid project is communicated using Logi...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 02/09/2008

Logframe - A Critique 4770
Robert Chambers and Jethro Pettit

Résumé: "Logical Framework Analysis (Logframe) and its variants as a required method for planning and monitoring illustrate how procedures can reinforce relationships of power ...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 28/08/2008

Measuring Change - Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in Media and Development Cooperation 540
Jan Lublinski, A. Sofie Jannusch (Editor)

Résumé: This book contains the papers presented at a symposion held n Bad Honnef, Germany, on 27th to 28th September 2007. It focused on the utilization aspect of evaluation in...

Type: Articles de conférence

Shared: 26/08/2008

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