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603 résultat(s) trouvé(s). Showing page 20 of 25.

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Outcome Mapping evaluation of six civil society projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina: summary report 🔗
Steve Powell , Ivona Čelebičić

Résumé: The present report is an evaluation of six civil society projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina funded by Sida via three framework partners. Sida funds these kinds of proje...

Type: Rapports d'études de cas

Shared: 15/04/2008

Community Newsletter - Spring 08 5185
Simon Hearn

Résumé: <p>The first of the bi-annual newsletters of the Outcome Mapping Learning Community.</p> <p>In this Issue:</p> <ul> <li>Belgian...

Type: Bulletins d'information

Shared: 20/03/2008

CI: Foire aux questions 1439
Kaia Ambrose, Sarah Earl, Jan Van Ongevalle

Résumé: Cet exposé des principaux points présente à l’intention des intervenants, des groupes ou des organisations un résumé de quelque...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 11/03/2008

Un apprentissage en évolution : la cartographie des incidences, outil d’adaptation du processus de planification, de suivi et d’évaluation de St2eep 1555
Steff Deprez, Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse

Résumé: Le processus de planification, de suivi et d’évaluation (PS&E) mené dans le cadre du Programme de formation des enseignants du secondaire en &ea...

Type: Etudes de cas

Shared: 11/03/2008

Sofía Méndez, Natalia Ortiz, Markus Gottsbacher

Type: Documentation sur le processus OM

Shared: 03/03/2008

Exploring the science of complexity: Ideas and implications for development and humanitarian efforts 🔗
Ben Ramalingam, Harry Jones

Résumé: Despite the complexity and interconnectedness of problems faced in humanitarian and development work, they are often approached in an overly simplistic manner, informed...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 03/03/2008

Mentoring and Monitoring – How to Build a Reporters’ Network Using the Outcome Mapping Framework 2542
Jan Lublinski, Nadia el-Awady

Résumé: In this paper we report on the first experience – to the knowledge of the authors – using the Outcome Mapping approach in media development. This approach c...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 18/02/2008

Introducing & Exploring the Applicability of OUTCOME MAPPING in the MENA Region 786
Ziad Moussa

Résumé: The workshop “Introducing and Exploring the Applicability of Outcome Mapping in the MENA Region” was held in Beirut May 21st to 23rd 2007.The workshop was o...

Type: Rapports d'ateliers

Shared: 18/02/2008

Informal Traders Lock Horns with the Formal Milk Industry: The role of research in pro-poor dairy policy shift in Kenya 🔗
C. Leksmono, N. Hooton, H Muriuki, D Romney, John Young

Résumé: Outcome Mapping is combined with episode studies and case study analysis into the RAPID Outcome Assessment tool (ROA). This integrated approach is used to assess the im...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 30/01/2008

Discussion Summary - A structured look at OM: Boundary Partners 1983
Simon Hearn

Résumé: A summary of the OM learning community discussion about boundary partners.

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 18/01/2008

Community Guidelines 2794
Simon Hearn

Résumé: This document is for all members of the Outcome Mapping Learning Community. It presents a collection of guidelines and tips to ensure you get the most out of the community.

Type: Guides Comment faire

Shared: 18/12/2007

Evaluating international social-change networks: a conceptual framework for a participatory approach 1054
Martha Nuñez, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Résumé: International networks for social change are growing in number and influence. While they need to be able to assess the extent to which they achieve their purpose and de...

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 18/12/2007

OM Event in March 2008 1031
Heidi Schaeffer

Résumé: An advert for an OM event in March 2008, Ottawa.

Type: Brochures

Shared: 26/11/2007

Outcome Mapping for Olof Palme 🔗
ivona celebicic,

Résumé: An introductory presentation on outcome mapping within the context of a project based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Type: Présentations

Shared: 23/11/2007

Outcome Mapping for Insight to Impact Meeting 🔗
Enrique Mendizabal

Résumé: This is a presentation that introduces the basic concepts of outcome mapping. It was given by Enrique Mendizabal at the Impact to Insight meeting co-ordinated by ODI's...

Type: Présentations

Shared: 23/11/2007

Faire de la Cartographie des Incidences une réussite : Des expériences qui évoluent dans le monde entier 2149
Harry Jones

Résumé: Les résumés de toutes les discussions au sujet de la Communauté d’Apprentissage en matière de Cartographie des Incidences pour la p&ea...

Type: Ouvrages

Shared: 13/11/2007

Researchers and their boundary partners 2946
Julius Nyangaga

Résumé: Sharing experiences encountered from working with research teams applying OM and some possible ways of understanding and applying the concept of boundary partners.

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 06/11/2007

Alignment, Interest, Influence Matrix 2769
Enrique Mendizabal

Type: Guides Comment faire

Shared: 01/11/2007

VECO Indonesia programme framework (OM-LFA) 1078
Steff Deprez

Résumé: Visual presentation of the new VECO Indonesia programme framework/logic design OM & LFA

Type: Documentation sur le processus OM

Shared: 18/09/2007

VVOB Zimbabwe operational planning framework 1061
Jan Van Ongevalle

Résumé: This draft document illustrates the full intentional design for the new VVOB Zimbabwe programme (2008-2013) which shows all the boundary partners and associated OCs, PM...

Type: Documentation sur le processus OM

Shared: 14/09/2007

OM-LFA planning per result area 1017
Jan Van Ongevalle

Résumé: This document illustrates four examples of matrices (still under development) that filter intormation from the overall OM intentional design document of the VVOB Zimbab...

Type: Documentation sur le processus OM

Shared: 14/09/2007

Evaluation Framework for YCDO 727
Nick Moraitis, Terri Willard

Résumé: From 2002-2004, the Youth Creating Digital Opportunities (YCDO) coalition sought to realize the potential of young people as leaders in using information and communicat...

Type: Documentation sur le processus OM

Shared: 14/09/2007

What Complexity Science Teaches Us About Social Change 🔗
Vitgina Lacayo

Résumé: Exploration of the applicability of complexity science to the challenges faced by social change organisations and their stakeholders, including donors.

Type: Articles / Communications

Shared: 13/09/2007

Synthesis of OM and LFA? 980
Daniel Roduner

Type: Présentations

Shared: 13/09/2007

Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Type: Bibliographies

Shared: 12/09/2007

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