612 result(s) found. Showing page 9 of 25.
« Previous 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 25 Next » Items per page:Summary: Slides from the Day 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Advanced Intentional Design
Type: Presentations
Shared: 16/10/2014
Summary: Slides from Day 1 and 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Outcome Mapping and Monitoring.
Type: Presentations
Shared: 16/10/2014
Summary: CARE Nederland is working together with the Partners for Resilience programme in Guatemala and Nicaragua, the local CARE offices in the region, and local partners. They...
Type: Video
Shared: 14/10/2014
Summary: A powerpoint presentation showing the role of or how OM can be applied in project evaluation
Type: How To Guides
Shared: 10/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 describing how Care USA have used Outcome Mapping to evaluate an empowerment programme in Mali, Malawi, Tanzania, Ghana, India, and Bangla...
Type: Poster
Shared: 10/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 describing the use of Outcome Mapping, Outcome Harvesting and the World Bank Capacity Development Results Framework to monitor and evaluat...
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 describing how OM is being used with Theory of Change to improve the design of a project developed with Logical Framework. In particular h...
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 describing the use of OM in a citizen engagement project in Ghana.
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 describing the use of OM principles in a framework for evaluating research for development. The poster picks up on the use of spheres of i...
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 describing experiences of introducing OM to grass-roots organisations in Northern India, It explains the mind-shifts needed to understand ...
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which introduces how baselines of boundary partner behaviour were integrated in a project in Kenya.
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which demonstrates the use of a simple diagnostic tool to decide to what extent OM will be suitable to apply in a situation.
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which demonstrates how OM was used in the \'Public Policy Information Monitoring and Advocacy Programme\' to develop monitoring and report...
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which illustrates the use of OM in an education improvement programme in Indonesia for planning, monitoring and evaluation. The poster des...
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which introduces the Outcome Harvesting method and where it has been applied.
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which describes the use of the Outcome Harvesting method in four separate evaluations.
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which introduces the RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach, which is an application of Outcome Mapping for planning and monitoring research commu...
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which describes the use of Outcome Mapping for an organisation-wide Planning, Learning & Accountability System.
Type: Poster
Shared: 09/10/2014
Summary: ACCESS Phase II systems approach recognised that improved local governance changes required multiple actors (individuals, groups and organisations) to change the way th...
Type: Case Study Reports
Shared: 30/09/2014
Summary: The RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach (ROMA) draws from the Outcome Mapping methodology to support the planning, monitoring and evaluation of policy influencing interventi...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 30/09/2014
Summary: This report presents the results of an action research in which four Dutch organisations active in promoting global citizenship experimented with qualitative research m...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 29/09/2014
Summary: A simple tool to collect qualitative interviews across time and tag them to Progress Markers.
Type: How To Guides
Shared: 23/09/2014
Type: Evaluation Reports
Shared: 21/09/2014
Summary: An alternative Outcome Journal template that was used in a systematic review of progress markers in the VECO Indonesia country programme 2008-2010
Type: Progress Reports
Shared: 21/09/2014