612 result(s) found. Showing page 6 of 25.
« Previous 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 25 Next » Items per page:Summary: Outlined in this document is a summary of the discussion from the OMLC forum in May 2017 focused on the opening question: "With reference to the outcome harvesting/mapp...
Type: OM Discussion summary
Shared: 30/06/2017
Summary: To meet multiple environmental objectives, integrated programming is becoming increasingly important for the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). Integration of multipl...
Type: Evaluation Reports
Shared: 16/06/2017
Summary: PCMi is based on a script for the ETH Zurich NADEL courses on results-based management of projects in international cooperation. The concepts, methods and instruments d...
Type: Manuals
Shared: 16/06/2017
Summary: Sustainability research builds upon its mutual relationship with the society to find future oriented solutions to deal with societal challenges. In other words, it is a...
Type: Theses
Shared: 08/06/2017
Summary: Utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) is a decision- making framework intended to design and implement evaluations which stakeholders will use. In its original form, the...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 08/06/2017
Summary: Monitoring and evaluation of interventions against GBV enable health care professional to maintain or improve the quality of their work. The information and data genera...
Type: Facilitation Guides
Shared: 08/06/2017
Summary: An ‘Outcome Mapping’ approach was applied retrospectively to five diverse, highly collaborative research projects aimed at poverty reduction. Designed to he...
Type: Lessons Learned Summaries
Shared: 08/06/2017
Summary: The increasing external demand from research funders and research managers to assess, evaluate and demonstrate the quality and the effectiveness of research is well kno...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 27/04/2017
Summary: Research increasingly seeks both to generate knowledge and to contribute to real-world solutions, with strong emphasis on context and social engagement. As boundaries b...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 27/04/2017
Summary: Asthma is an important chronic inflammatory disorder with significant morbidity and mortality in South Africa. The development of national asthma guidelines by the Sout...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 12/04/2017
Summary: Dialog for Outcome Mapping is traditionally carried out by development organizations in face-to-face settings. Engaging in group dialog is the third learning activity a...
Type: Theses
Shared: 12/04/2017
Summary: Outcome mapping includes a series of planning, monitoring and evaluation activities which can be used in a developmental evaluation. Outcome mapping focuses on the cha...
Type: Presentations
Shared: 15/03/2017
Summary: This report assesses the value of Outcome Mapping in Strengthening AcT (Accountability in Tanzania Programme) partners Strategy Development, planning and Monitoring, Le...
Type: Project Reports
Shared: 15/03/2017
Summary: Summary of responses to two questions from participants of OM training workshops from 2010 to 2016: When is OM especially useful? When is OM not especially useful?
Type: OM Training Materials
Shared: 07/03/2017
Summary: Development of an evaluation system of research performance by applying the outcome mapping approach: a case study of faculty of liberal arts and sciences, Nakhon Phano...
Type: Articles / Papers
Shared: 11/02/2017
Summary: This document is evaluation report for the program, Strengthening Specialised Clinical Services in the Pacific. It discusses the appropriateness and effectiveness of th...
Type: Evaluation Reports
Shared: 09/01/2017
Summary: The imGoats project (‘small ruminant value chains to increase income and food security in India and Mozambique’) was designed to increase incomes and food s...
Type: Research Reports
Shared: 09/01/2017
Type: Presentations
Shared: 13/12/2016
Type: Presentations
Shared: 12/12/2016
Type: OM Training Materials
Shared: 12/12/2016