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40 result(s) found. Showing page 2 of 2.

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Operationalising the iterative six Outcome Harvesting steps 1265
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: This is a PowerPoint tool to enable you lead a discussion through the essential content of the Outcome Harvesting process. It is formatted so that you can copy and past...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 11/02/2015

ROMA: Pedoman untuk Pelibatan dan Mempengaruhi Kebijakan 🔗
Simon Hearn, Translated by the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), John Young, Ajoy Datta

Summary: [This publication is an Indonesian translation of ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence (] Selama lebih dar...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 08/01/2015

OM Lab 2014: OM and Evaluation part 2 slides 339
Julius Nyangaga

Summary: A powerpoint presentation showing the role of or how OM can be applied in project evaluation

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 10/10/2014

Rolling Profiles 694
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: A simple tool to collect qualitative interviews across time and tag them to Progress Markers.

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 23/09/2014

ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence 🔗
Simon Hearn, Harry Jones, Caroline Cassidy, John Young, Ajoy Datta

Summary: The RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach is an application of OM for planning and monitoring policy engagement and influence. This guide introduces the approach and the steps...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 21/07/2014

Outcome-Based Learning Field Guide-Tools to harvest and monitor outcomes and systematically learn from complex projects 1763
World Bank

Summary: The field guide is based on the pilot experiences of World Bank projects. It presents resources that can help practitioners collaboratively harvest, substantiate, inter...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 17/07/2014

Frequently Asked Questions on the research component of the PSO thematic Learning Programme PME for Complex Change 779
Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink, Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova

Summary: This internal work document was written in support of the action research process in the Thematic Learning Programme of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation for Complex P...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 16/10/2012

Making Evaluations Matter: A Practical Guide for Evaluators 🔗

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 08/08/2011

Impact Evaluations and Development - NONIE Guidance on Impact Evaluation 671
Frans Leeuw and Jos Vaessen

Summary: The Guidance is structured around nine key issues in impact evaluation: 1. Identify the (type and scope of the) intervention 2. Agree on what is valued 3. Carefully ar...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 25/04/2010

Cuaderno de Mapeo de Alcances 911
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: Una guía para la facilitación - primer borrador presentado en la 2da Conferencia de Mapeo de Alcances, Montevideo, 2009

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 26/11/2009

How to Guide for using Outcome Mapping with Youth - Plan International 1582
Phoebe Farag Mikhail, Aissata Ndiaye, Jess Greenhalf, Maria Cavatore

Summary: A brief description of how Plan UK used elements of Outcome Mapping for our governance M&E framework and a how to guide for engaging youth in the M&E of our gov...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 26/08/2009

Tallando definiciones de productos, alcances e impacto 1011
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Un procseo en de tres pasos para aclarar definiciones sobre los tres tipos de resultados.

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 13/03/2009

Customising definitions of outputs, outcomes and impact 13816
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: A simple instrument for planners, monitors and evaluators, and those who employ them, to agree on the meaning of the three types of results.

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 13/08/2008

Community Guidelines 2794
Simon Hearn

Summary: This document is for all members of the Outcome Mapping Learning Community. It presents a collection of guidelines and tips to ensure you get the most out of the community.

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 18/12/2007

Alignment, Interest, Influence Matrix 2769
Enrique Mendizabal

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 01/11/2007

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