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The Outcome Mapping Usefulness Barometer

Jan Van Ongevalle, Rafael Peels

Summary: This new research study from the OMLC reviews feedback from 43 people who have used OM to investigate how useful it has been, particularly for supporting complex projects. The study finds that OM is helpful in four distinct ways:
(1) dealing with multiple actors who come with different expectations, understandings, roles and responsibilities;
(2) stimulating learning about a programme’s effects in order to deal with unpredictability and non-linearity;
(3) satisfying multiple accountability needs associated with the multiple actors involved in the programme; and
(4) strengthening adaptive capacity of programme stakeholders to remain relevant and effective in changing contexts.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Theme: OM Resources: Examples of Use

Contibuted by: Simon Hearn, on: 24 Jan 2014

Downloads: 2122

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