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Outcome Mapping Practitioner Guide

What is OM and how has it evolved?

As with other logic models and theory of change frameworks, Outcome Mapping clarifies the presumed logical intended relationships among the objects of a program, project or activity.  This can be useful at any stage from ex-ante design to ex-post assessment.  Clarifying initial intentions is necessary in planning.  Clarifying ongoing and emerging intentions can be useful when implementing and monitoring, and in evaluations. 

Since 1999, Outcome Mapping has been wide... Read more ▼

What are the underlying principles of OM and how is positioned within the wider evaluation theory and practice?

Nuggets related to this section:

  1. Systems thinking and complexity theory in Outcome Mapping by Terry Smutylo
  2. The 5 key assumptions of Outcome Mapping by Steff Deprez

Different types of use of Outcome Mapping

This section explains how practitioners have used OM. One big learning of the study '10 years of OM' indicated that there is a wide variety of uses and purposes of the principles, concepts and concepts of Outcome Mapping.  

Nuggets related to this section:

  1. Developing a theory of change with Outcome Mapping by Simon Hearn

When is OM useful? When is OM not useful?

In which situations or for which type of projects and programmes is Outcome Mapping useful, or not useful? 

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