Richard Smith, World Bank
Summary: In fall 2013, the World Bank and Mongolia office of SDC decided to use an outcome mapping approach to evaluate three interventions that built the capacity of Mongolian civil society organizations. Outcome mapping is a participatory methodology useful for evaluating complex programs that involve multiple actors, profound development challenges and difficult to monitor change processes.
A total of 190 outcomes were collected through document analysis, interviews and surveys with social actors, with nine elaborated as outcome stories. The locally validated data demonstrated the value of the interventions and revealed ways to improve implementation and management for future efforts.
The attached case study describes how and why outcome mapping was used for this evaluation, and the benefits to evaluators, project implementers, and clients. Other teams that need to assess similarly complex programs might consider the merits of using the outcome mapping approach as well.
Type: Evaluation Reports
Theme: OM Resources: Books and Articles
Contibuted by: OMLC Coordinator, on: 11 Jun 2014