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Webinar 2: Lessons learned from combining OM and OH

09.30 EDT / 13.30 UCT

There is increasing interest and practice around combining Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting around the globe, as well as questions around the differences between the two and when it is best to use each one separately and when to combine. This webinar will review the newly released Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting: common concepts, differences and uses brief (see link below), and hear from a few practitioners of how they have used OM and OH together in a single program.

Note: if you plan on joining this webinar, we ask that you review the OM and OH common concepts, difference and uses brief (see link below) ahead of time and submit any questions or comments you have (anonymously) so that we may address them during the webinar. Please use this link to submit your questions:

Co-hosted by the OMLC and the OH community.

Part of the OMLC webinar series 2021: Creating connections for equity

Start date: Tue 25 May 2021

Provider/Organiser: OMLC and OH Community

Location: International
Event type: OM Community Event

Contact details

Website: Register here
Contact name: Simon Hearn
Contact email:

Contibuted by: Simon Hearn, on: 5 May 2021

Associated resources

Latin America & Carribean Sub-Saharan Africa North Africa & Middle East South Asia South East Asia & Pacific Far-East Asia Eastern Europe & CIS (ex USSR) Western Europe North America & Canada Australasia