I am the founder and director of the International Institute for Facilitation and Change (IIFAC). Based in Mexico since 1998, I began facilitating groups and training in participatory processes in the early 1990′s in Chicago. Since then I have worked in over 30 countries, primarily in Latin america and the Caribbean. I am an IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator and former member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Facilitators. I am also a licenced trainer for the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) and am currently serving on a committee to develop Latin America as an "emerging region" for this association.
In 2004 the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), hired me coordinate a project to train Spanish-speaking consultants in Outcome Mapping. Since then I have brought this method to dozens of groups all over Latin America and the Caribbean – and as far afield as Sri Lanka and Morocco.
Besides group facilitation and participatory processes, I have a special gift for assembling and assessing data about complex situations and ordering it so that others can engage with it.
I speak English and Spanish.
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